Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Airports - Old blog from Gatwick

Hello. (Fuck knows the exact date I wrote this but I was at an airport and I left the job mentioned after arond 3 months)

So this is my first outside blogcast, currently I am sat in the departure lounge of Gatwick airport. Like most public places there is lots to observe, for instance as I type this now there is a strange Asian chap staring over my shoulder, he might even have seen me type this... one way to find out..... Hey weird Asian bloke stop fucking staring over my shoulder....... nope he’s still looking.
 Anyway, I got a new job today so again the Unemoloyedazoid aint so unemployed but fuck it they offered me a company car so I’m a sell out now ok? (The asian bloke just left) Even he disapproves. Well who gives a Dot Cotton cos I’m off to throw myself down a few mountains in Morzine to celebrate my grown up job and while I’m out there I might eat a few snails cos I’m cultured an shit.
“So Zoid what’s the new job?” well I’ll tell you. It just so happens I’m gonna be working for the media again but this time in print.... yeah that’s “write” I’m like Clark muhfuggin Kent yo! Except instead of a tight lycra suit and a cape I’ll have a Vauxhall Astra with Chichester Observer pasted all over it, same dif. Wow a disabled lady just walked in with some very strange crutches with elbow rests?  What kind of lazy woman has to rest her legs and as well as her elbows? She doesn’t even look that disabled bet she’s putting it on. That’s why she’s at the airport all those disability benefits are sending her all inclusive to Alicante for a right old knees up, and elbows too knowing her!  
Thats all, I'm gong to France now.   

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